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BigCommerce vs PrestaShop

From small businesses to large enterprises, BigCommerce’s flexible, easy-to-use ecommerce platform supports your online store’s growth now — and into the future.

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BigCommerce vs PrestaShop: Why businesses are making the switch

BigCommerce makes it easy to get your online store up and running quickly — with all the built-in features you need to save time and money.

Flexibility without complexity

The open-source framework of PrestaShop leaves merchants at a catch-22: By modifying the source code, merchants also add complexity, which can require expensive and time-consuming developer resources down the road. Open SaaS solutions like BigCommerce, however, offer the core functionality that most merchants need while allowing for flexibility to extend the platform to meet their unique needs.

Greater usability, lower TCO

While PrestaShop is free to install, merchants may have a higher total cost of ownership after accounting for hosting, tech support, maintenance costs, development costs and extension fees — but these costs are already covered in a BigCommerce subscription. As a result, merchants can focus on running their business rather than worry about the upkeep of their website.

Industry-leading performance and security

Hosted within the Google Cloud Platform, BigCommerce offers unlimited bandwidth and best-in-class uptime at 99.99%. In addition, BigCommerce is ISO/IEC 27001:2013 & PCI DSS 3.2, Level 1 certified, meaning merchants can spend less time worrying about security and more time focusing on revenue-generating innovations.

Around-the-clock technical support

While PrestaShop merchants can purchase blocks of time for technical support, this service is typically outsourced rather than directly from PrestaShop. BigCommerce, however, offers 24/7 Technical Support for merchants on any plan, and support calls are answered in well under two minutes with 85% of issues resolved on the first call.

BigCommerce success stories

Tygris white
“We chose BigCommerce because it can scale at the same level and speed as we do. The platform gives us the scalability, flexibility and openness we need to be able to go in, make changes and implement them right at the moment we need to.”
Jed SimpsonGeneral Manager, TYGRIS
"We were drawn to the idea of offloading PCI compliance and software maintenance and upgrades and having BigCommerce's SaaS solution assume those responsibilities."
Yeti cycles white
“BigCommerce helped us move away from operating on multiple back-end systems that didn’t talk to each other well and, at times led to a less than ideal consumer experience. Being on just one platform creates a much more seamless experience for the consumer.”
Kristi JacksonDirector of Marketing
Tygris white
Yeti cycles white

Common BigCommerce vs PrestaShop questions

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